建議售價: NT $11900
琪樂薇 92度醇高粱精緻禮盒 (琪樂薇90度高粱酒系列)
- 容量:600mL
- 酒精濃度:92% Vol.
- 主要原料:高粱、小麥
- 產品種類:清香型白酒、高粱酒、中式白酒
- 品牌:琪樂薇90度高粱酒系列 琪樂薇醇高粱
- 生產地:台灣嘉義縣
- 特色:92度醇高粱,是全世界酒精濃度最高的中式白酒,也是全球第一款92度高粱酒,以特選飽滿的高粱穀物顆粒,經固態發酵工法釀造,結合多項技術去除酒中的雜醇異味,保留酒中最精純的的酒香酯類,打造出酒體厚實,甘醇凜冽,香醇甜淨,餘韻綿長的酒品。囊括世界品質大賞Monde Selection金牌獎及多項全球國際烈酒競賽大獎殊榮,深獲各方專業品酒師與米其林星級主廚一致推崇。
- 建議搭配食物:紅肉類、海鮮類、醃漬肉類、醃漬蔬菜、魚子醬、麵包或餅乾。
ChyiLehWei 92% ABV Chun Kaoliang Liquor 600mL Gift Set
- Size:600mL
- ABV (Alcohol by Volume):92% v/v
- Raw Materials:Kaoliang (Sorghum), Wheat
- Type/Varietal:Chinese Baijiu, Kaoliang Jiu, Gaoliang Chiew, Sorghum Wine, Chinese White Liquor, Distilled Spirits, Light aroma (fragrance / flavour) Baijiu
- Brand:Chyi Leh Wei - Chun Kaoliang Liquor
- Location:Chiayi County, Taiwan
- Description:World's first and highest ABV(alcohol by volume) of 92% Chinese baijiu. Honored with Monde Selection Gold Award.
- Tasting Notes:Extremely high-toned and airy on the nose with tropical fruit, bright floral aromatics, a touch of smoke, and burnt peanut shells. Alcohol-forward with deeper notes of green banana and strawberry with a touch of spicy pepper. Nothing but perfume left on the tongue.
- Match Food: Red Meat, Seafood, Pickled Meat or Vegetables, Caviar, Bread or cracker
※SGS Certified.
~Do Not Drink And Drive~
風味品評表Evaluation Table