建議售價: NT $8900
- 容量:500mL
- 酒精濃度:66% Vol.
- 主要原料:高粱、小麥
- 產品種類:清香型白酒、高粱酒、中式白酒
- 品牌:琪樂薇高粱酒 中式白酒系列 醇高粱
- 生產地:台灣嘉義縣
- 特色:琪樂薇酒廠推出66度高粱酒,以傳統固態發酵工藝精釀,結合多項技術,保留酒體中最厚實飽滿的的香氣,去除酒中的雜醇異味,尾韻印襯出芬芳的水果與花香氣息,高粱酒的口感再進化。採用中華文化的代表三足鼎為瓶身,「鼎」被視為立國重器,象徵著舉足輕重的國家與權力,更被視為「尊貴」與「顯赫」 的代表,鼎身鑲以饕餮圖紋,最適合頂級人士的收藏與送禮首選。
- 建議搭配食物:紅肉類、海鮮類、醃漬肉類、醃漬蔬菜、魚子醬、麵包或餅乾。
ChyiLehWei 66% Chun Kaoliang Liquor 500mL White Tripod Gift Set
- Size:500mL
- ABV (Alcohol by Volume):66% v/v
- Raw Materials:Kaoliang (Sorghum), Wheat, Water
- Type/Varietal:Chinese Baijiu, Kaoliang Jiu, Gaoliang Chiew, Sorghum Wine, Chinese White Liquor, Distilled Spirits, Light aroma (fragrance / flavour) Baijiu
- Brand:ChyiLehWei - Chun Kaoliang Liquor
- Location:Chiayi County, Taiwan
- Description:The tripod bottle is the representative of chinese culture. In ancient times, it was regarded as a symbol of nation and power. Tripod also means "honorable", "noble" and "prominent". Tripod bottle with 'Tao-tie' (a kind of mythological creature) pattern complementary to 66% Kaoliang Liquor is the best unique item for celebration gift and for your own enjoyment.
- Tasting Notes:A note of pepper with sweet grains. Very soft and smooth. Long lasting with fruit and bright floral fragrance.
- Match Food: Red Meat, Seafood, Pickled Meat or Vegetables, Caviar, Bread or cracker
※SGS Certified.
~Do Not Drink And Drive~
風味品評表Evaluation Table